Eingabemöglichkeiten für verschiedene Meta-Daten für den Head der Webseite.
- author - Author of the website
- robots - Standard robots values (Vorgabe: index, follow)
- og-url - Open Graph URL
- og-type - Open Graph type
- og-description - Open Graph description
- og-title - Open Graph title
- og-image - Open Graph image
- og-site_name - Open Graph site name
- viewport - value for mobil devices (Vorgabe: width =device-width, initial-scale =1.0)
- page-topic - generic terms
- compatible - IE Compatibility (Vorgabe: IE =edge)
- publisher - The publisher of the content
- language - Basic language of the website (Vorgabe: de)
- keywords - Basic keywords for the website
- google-site-verification - Google site verification
- google - Google translation (Vorgabe: notranslate)
- description - Basic description of the website
- copyright - Copyright of the website (Vorgabe: T3AC)